Welcome to Montrose Trinity Church of Scotland
serving the communities of Hillside, Montrose and Ferryden

We are a relatively new church, dating from August 2023, as a result of a union of three Churches of Scotland.
In recent weeks we have been thanking and praising God that our new team is now complete.
Claire van Geete was appointed as Family and Youth Worker in January.
Rev Derek Peat was inducted to the first of our two new minister posts on 13th February.
Rev Michelle McAdoo preached as sole nominee for the second of our two new minister posts in January and will join the team after her induction on April 10th.
And we are grateful that Rev Ian Gray will remain as OLM.
We have three Worship Hubs - in Hillside, in Montrose at the Steeple, and in Ferryden.
There is a service each Sunday in each Hub, at 10.00am in Trinity Church @ Hillside,
11.00am in Trinity Church @ Steeple and 11.30am in Trinity Church @ Ferryden, except for the first Sunday of each month, when there will be an 11.00am united service, rotating around the Hubs.
Any changes will be notified on the website under News or Services.
Recordings and videos of services can also be found on the website under Services.
Please explore the website to find out about our many activities for all age groups. The Church Facebook page - Montrose Trinity Church of Scotland also gives information about events.
We would be pleased to welcome people at any of our groups.
We have halls and spaces to let, suitable for different clubs, groups and events.
The Contact Us page allows you to ask any questions or to get further information.